Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Part of the reason I went to Canada was to see my Opa. He has Parkinson's disease. I went to stay with them while my uncle was out of town. Early in my visit, he had a minor stroke, which make him essentially unable to walk, and went the hospital. I spent most of the next two weeks driving Oma to and from the hospital.

Well, since I've been back, he's gotten worse. My aunts are all there with Oma. Mum got an email from Connie last night and this morning they said Dr. De Waal gave him twenty four hours to live. Mum's pretty upset. She might even fly down, but we don't know right now.

Please pray. We don't know, but God knows.


Listening to Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah


  1. praying.
    'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.'

  2. I'm praying, darling. It's good that you got to visit.
