Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Wisecracking Daze

The ability to feel comes as a blessing and a curse. You cannot be blessed without being cursed. To feel is to throw your furiously beating heart open for the world to see. To feel is to be rejected, to be thrown out into a heap of kitchen dust, remnants of what has been swept off the floors, a heap of useless nothing. To feel is to be applauded, by an audience who hears what they want and calls for you to hear them. To feel is to be exhausted, worn out, to keep running even when you're all alone, to pant and slow, gasp and speed on. To feel is to rub the darling buds of May against your cheek, feel the softness. To feel is to die, a death of dreams and imaginations, of darkening expectations. To feel is to be found, finding quiet love in a deep soft chair and serenades. To feel is to know, the depth of knowledge and wisdom, the art of foolishness and trance of beauty. To feel is a beginning, hurtling, chortling in a wisecracking daze towards the end, an inevitable end. We feel. I feel.


Listening to House Of Heroes - By Your Side

linking to (imperfect prose)


  1. wow. yeah. i wonder what life would be like for those that can not feel...i have rather high empathy so i tend to over feel at times honestly...hurtling forward...true that.

  2. hurtling toward an inevitable's always there isn't it? waiting. lovely wordsmithing!

  3. Nice images...I felt them. I love the name of your blog. Similar to the name one of the poems I posted here today!

  4. me too - that death of dreams is a hard one to ride out when you keenly feel.

  5. yes, i see this... and we tend to put up barriers of protection to keep out the pain, yet this blocks out the joy, too. "to feel is a beginning..." may the end be in Him, for us all...

  6. "The ability to feel comes as a blessing and a curse"...exactly why we can't trust feelings to lead us...wise you are to trust GOD.

  7. My husband and I talk about the dual nature of feelings. I'm very emotional and often drive my husband nuts(and get hurt easily), and yet he sometimes envies that very depth of emotion that causes me so much trouble. To feel is both glorious and troublesome.

  8. To feel is to rub the darling buds of May against your cheek...

    i loved all of this, but particularly the line above.... you made me feel with this post. and i'm listening to house of heroes right now and loving them. xo

  9. That was really brilliant writing, Eoli darling. ^_^ I loved it. You should write it on a plaque or something...

  10. Agree: flip sides to everything. And sometimes something(s) extra that branches off from a flip side? Keep writing; you have a gift.

  11. Ahhh... you describe the intensity of emotions, but still leave me wondering whether I can handle it. This has been a very emotion-filled week (month, in fact) for me, and I feel like the only way I'm surviving is by avoiding reacting as much as possible, so as to minimise feeling.
