Friday, June 24, 2011


Remember my goals for June? I'm gonna give a quick update on how I'm doing with those.

-sweat for an hour a day [Success! One rest day so far,]
-pray at two or four everyday, depending on work [This has been hard... missed two days.]
-join CollegePlus! forums [Done!]
-finish action points from Jana [Done and done!]
-write notes to siblings, one each at least [Haven't started on this yet...]
-write picture, possibly poetic, posts every other day [I've kept up on this.]
-read Dug Down Deep[Removing this one. It'll have to wait.]

So, for my upcoming five mile run, I ran almost five miles today. I think it was 4.7. I kept a pretty decent pace. I have about a 10:00 mile, so my goal for the race is to finish in under an hour, hopefully as close to fifty minutes as I can. I have ten days before the run, so I'm going to keep steady and run five miles at least two more times. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, I have a new camera bag. Doesn't it looks like a stormtrooper's helmet? Oh well, it will do just fine until I can afford an Epiphanie bag. ^_^



  1. ha. these are not the droids we are looking for...

    nice job on the goals...

  2. Good job! I'm very proud of you. =)

    When is this run, again? You can totally do it! I'm pretty much just amazed. XD
